619. 3. Mee P, Fielding KL, Charalambous S, Churchyard GJ, Grant AD Evaluation of the WHO criteria for antiretroviral treatment failure among adults in South Africa. AIDS 22:19711977. 4. Mellors JW, Munoz A, Giorgi JV, Margolick JB, Tassoni CJ, et al. Plasma Viral Load and CD4+ Lymphocytes as Prognostic Markers of HIV-1 Infection. Ann Intern Med 126:946954. 5. Moore DM, Awor A, Downing R, Kaplan J, Montaner JSG, et al. CD4+ T-Cell Count Monitoring Does Not Accurately Identify HIV-Infected Adults With Virologic Failure Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 49:477484. 6. O’Brien WA, Hartigan PM, Daar ES, Simberkoff MS, Hamilton JD, et al. Changes in Plasma HIV RNA Levels and CD4+ Lymphocyte Counts Predict Both Response to Antiretroviral Therapy and Therapeutic Failure. Ann Intern Med 126:939945. 7. Reynolds SJ, Nakigozi G, Newell K, Ndyanabo A, Galiwongo R, et al. Failiure of 22948146 immunologic criteria to appropriately identify antiretroviral treatment failure in Uganda. AIDS 23:697700. 8. World Health Organization Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Infection in Infants and Children: Towards Universal Access: recommendations for a public health approach- 2010 Revision. Geneva: World Health Organization. 9. Crowe SM, Turnbull SP, Oelrichs R, Dunne AL Monitoring Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Resource-Constrained Countries. Clin Infect Dis:S25S35. 10. Fiscus SA, Cheng B, Crowe SM, Demeter L, Jennings C, et 25837696 al. HIV-1 Viral Load Assays for Resource-Limited Settings. PLos Med 3. 11. World Health Organization Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treatment and preventing HIV infection. 12. UNITAID HIV/AIDS Diagnostics Technology Landscape: Semi-Annual Update. Geneva: UNITAID. 13. University of York Systematic Reviews: CRD’s guidance for undertaking reviews in health care. York: Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. 14. Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, Gatsonis CA, Glasziou PP, et al. Towards Complete and Accurate Reporting of Studies of Diagnostic Accuracy: The STARD Initiative. Clin Chem 49:16. 15. Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, Gatsonis CA, Glasziou PP, et al. The STARD Statement for Reporting Studies of Diagnostic Accuracy: Explanation and Elaboration. Clin Chem 49:718. 16. Bland MJ, Altman DG Statistical Methods for Assessing Agreement Between Two Methods of Clinical Measurement. Lancet 1:307310. 17. Hughes MD, Johnson VA, Hirsch MS, Bremer JW, Elbeik T, et al. Monitoring Plasma HIV-1 RNA Levels in Addition to CD4+ Lymphocyte Count Improves Assessment of Antiretroviral Therapeutic Response. Ann Intern Med 126:929938. 18. Saag MS, Holodniy M, Kuritzkes DR, O’Brien WA, Coombs R, et al. HIV viral load markers in clinical practice. Nat Med 2:625629. 19. Braun P, Ehret R, Wiesmann F, Zabbai F, Knickmann M, et al. Comparison of four commercial quantitative HIV-1 assays for viral load monitoring in clinical daily routine. Clin Chem Lab Med 45:9399. 20. Choi J-Y, Kim E-J, Rho HJ, Kim JY, Kwon O-K, et al. Evaluation of the NucliSens EasyQ HIV-1 v1.1 and RealTime HIV-1 kits for quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in plasma. J Virol Methods 161:711. 21. Church D, Gregson D, Lloyd T, Klein M, Beckthold B, et al. Comparison of the realtime HIV-1, COBAS TaqMan 48 v1.0, easy Q v1.2, and Versant v3.0 assays for determination of HIV-1 viral loads in a cohort of Canadian patients with diverse HIV subtype infections. J of Clin Microbiol 49:SPDP chemical information 118124. 22. Clarke JR, Galpin S, Braganza R, 57773-63-4 supplier Ashraf A, Russell R, et al. Comp.619. 3. Mee P, Fielding KL, Charalambous S, Churchyard GJ, Grant AD Evaluation of the WHO criteria for antiretroviral treatment failure among adults in South Africa. AIDS 22:19711977. 4. Mellors JW, Munoz A, Giorgi JV, Margolick JB, Tassoni CJ, et al. Plasma Viral Load and CD4+ Lymphocytes as Prognostic Markers of HIV-1 Infection. Ann Intern Med 126:946954. 5. Moore DM, Awor A, Downing R, Kaplan J, Montaner JSG, et al. CD4+ T-Cell Count Monitoring Does Not Accurately Identify HIV-Infected Adults With Virologic Failure Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 49:477484. 6. O’Brien WA, Hartigan PM, Daar ES, Simberkoff MS, Hamilton JD, et al. Changes in Plasma HIV RNA Levels and CD4+ Lymphocyte Counts Predict Both Response to Antiretroviral Therapy and Therapeutic Failure. Ann Intern Med 126:939945. 7. Reynolds SJ, Nakigozi G, Newell K, Ndyanabo A, Galiwongo R, et al. Failiure of 22948146 immunologic criteria to appropriately identify antiretroviral treatment failure in Uganda. AIDS 23:697700. 8. World Health Organization Antiretroviral Therapy for HIV Infection in Infants and Children: Towards Universal Access: recommendations for a public health approach- 2010 Revision. Geneva: World Health Organization. 9. Crowe SM, Turnbull SP, Oelrichs R, Dunne AL Monitoring Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Resource-Constrained Countries. Clin Infect Dis:S25S35. 10. Fiscus SA, Cheng B, Crowe SM, Demeter L, Jennings C, et 25837696 al. HIV-1 Viral Load Assays for Resource-Limited Settings. PLos Med 3. 11. World Health Organization Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treatment and preventing HIV infection. 12. UNITAID HIV/AIDS Diagnostics Technology Landscape: Semi-Annual Update. Geneva: UNITAID. 13. University of York Systematic Reviews: CRD’s guidance for undertaking reviews in health care. York: Centre for Reviews and Dissemination. 14. Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, Gatsonis CA, Glasziou PP, et al. Towards Complete and Accurate Reporting of Studies of Diagnostic Accuracy: The STARD Initiative. Clin Chem 49:16. 15. Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, Gatsonis CA, Glasziou PP, et al. The STARD Statement for Reporting Studies of Diagnostic Accuracy: Explanation and Elaboration. Clin Chem 49:718. 16. Bland MJ, Altman DG Statistical Methods for Assessing Agreement Between Two Methods of Clinical Measurement. Lancet 1:307310. 17. Hughes MD, Johnson VA, Hirsch MS, Bremer JW, Elbeik T, et al. Monitoring Plasma HIV-1 RNA Levels in Addition to CD4+ Lymphocyte Count Improves Assessment of Antiretroviral Therapeutic Response. Ann Intern Med 126:929938. 18. Saag MS, Holodniy M, Kuritzkes DR, O’Brien WA, Coombs R, et al. HIV viral load markers in clinical practice. Nat Med 2:625629. 19. Braun P, Ehret R, Wiesmann F, Zabbai F, Knickmann M, et al. Comparison of four commercial quantitative HIV-1 assays for viral load monitoring in clinical daily routine. Clin Chem Lab Med 45:9399. 20. Choi J-Y, Kim E-J, Rho HJ, Kim JY, Kwon O-K, et al. Evaluation of the NucliSens EasyQ HIV-1 v1.1 and RealTime HIV-1 kits for quantitation of HIV-1 RNA in plasma. J Virol Methods 161:711. 21. Church D, Gregson D, Lloyd T, Klein M, Beckthold B, et al. Comparison of the realtime HIV-1, COBAS TaqMan 48 v1.0, easy Q v1.2, and Versant v3.0 assays for determination of HIV-1 viral loads in a cohort of Canadian patients with diverse HIV subtype infections. J of Clin Microbiol 49:118124. 22. Clarke JR, Galpin S, Braganza R, Ashraf A, Russell R, et al. Comp.