Dues Lys13 – Pro91 and Glu95 Pro106 correspond to the residues Lys327 – Pro405 and Glu315 to Pro326, respectively, in wild-type SAP97-PDZ2. Below, we will refer to the residue numbering of the wild-type protein. In both 101043-37-2 molecules in the asymmetric unit the residues from Lys327 to Pro 405 via the linker Gly-Ser-Gly and from the next residue Glu315 to Lys324 are ordered. The N-terminal 12 residues including the histidine tag, the thrombin cleavage site and the C-terminal residues (Pro326 in molecule A and Gly325-Pro326 in molecule B) are disordered. The data collection and refinement statistics are shown in Table 1. The cpSAP97 PDZ2 protein KDM5A-IN-1 structure has the typical PDZ domain fold with six b-strands (b1 to b6) and two ahelices (a1 and a2) (Figure 1B). Superposition of molecules A and B (Figure 1C) shows that the overall root mean square deviation ?(r.m.s.d) between the A and B molecules is 1.34 A over 91 Ca atoms (Lys327-Pro405-Gly-Ser-Gly-Glu315-Lys324). Minor conformational changes are observed in a2 and the preceding loop as well as in the b2-b3 loop. A larger conformational change is observed in the engineered b6-b1 loop with a maximum deviation ?of 6.5 A between the Ca atoms of the second glycine in the linker region of the two molecules. The weak electron density and high B-factors for the Gly-Ser-Gly linker and the neighbouring residues in both molecules suggest that this loop is highly flexible. Examination of the crystal contacts shows that the b2-b3 loop and b6-b1 loop in both molecules are involved in crystal packingResults Design of a Circularly Permuted ProteinA circularly permuted (cp) SAP97 PDZ2 1480666 domain was generated by fusing the N- and C termini of a pseudo wild-type (pwt) SAP97 PDZ2 [23] with a glycine and serine linker (GSG) between E315 and P405. The new N- and C- termini, K327 and P326, respectively, were selected since they correspond to the terminals of the naturally occurring circular permutant of a PDZ domain from a green alga 1676428 [17,18] (see Figure 1A). The same permutation, had a severe effect on the folding of PTP-BL PDZ2 [6,7].Figure 1. Structure of the circularly permuted SAP97 PDZ2 (cpSAP97 PDZ2). A. Schematic picture of the rearrangement of secondary structural elements in cpSAP97 PDZ2. The secondary structure arrangement is naturally occurring in a PDZ domain in green alga [17,18] and even though it seems modest, had a significant effect on the folding of PTP-BL PDZ2 [6,7]. B. Ribbon representation of the cpSAP97 PDZ2 structure showing the new N and C termini. C. Superposition of the two cpSAP97 PDZ2 molecules in the crystal structure, A (green) and B (blue), shown as Ca trace. D. Superposition of cpSAP97 PDZ2 (green) and pwtSAP97 PDZ2 (pink) shown as Ca trace. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050055.gFolding of a Circularly Permuted PDZ Domaininteractions. Superimposing the cpSAP97 PDZ2 (molecule A) onto the pwtSAP97 PDZ2 (pdb 2X7Z) shows that the structures are very similar (Figure 1D), except for the different N and C-termini, the break in the b1-b2 loop and the new loop connecting b6 to b1. The overall r.m.s.d for 91 aligned Ca atoms (Lys327-Lys324) is ?0.88 A. Interestingly, even after moving b1 from the N-terminus to the C-terminus, the orientations of the side-chains in the Ile317Ile323 region of the cpSAP97 PDZ2 structure are similar to those in the pwtSAP97 PDZ2 structure. As previously observed in the pwtSAP97 PDZ2 structure, Lys324 in the cpSAP97 PDZ2 does not form a salt bridge with Asp396 but forms a hy.Dues Lys13 – Pro91 and Glu95 Pro106 correspond to the residues Lys327 – Pro405 and Glu315 to Pro326, respectively, in wild-type SAP97-PDZ2. Below, we will refer to the residue numbering of the wild-type protein. In both molecules in the asymmetric unit the residues from Lys327 to Pro 405 via the linker Gly-Ser-Gly and from the next residue Glu315 to Lys324 are ordered. The N-terminal 12 residues including the histidine tag, the thrombin cleavage site and the C-terminal residues (Pro326 in molecule A and Gly325-Pro326 in molecule B) are disordered. The data collection and refinement statistics are shown in Table 1. The cpSAP97 PDZ2 protein structure has the typical PDZ domain fold with six b-strands (b1 to b6) and two ahelices (a1 and a2) (Figure 1B). Superposition of molecules A and B (Figure 1C) shows that the overall root mean square deviation ?(r.m.s.d) between the A and B molecules is 1.34 A over 91 Ca atoms (Lys327-Pro405-Gly-Ser-Gly-Glu315-Lys324). Minor conformational changes are observed in a2 and the preceding loop as well as in the b2-b3 loop. A larger conformational change is observed in the engineered b6-b1 loop with a maximum deviation ?of 6.5 A between the Ca atoms of the second glycine in the linker region of the two molecules. The weak electron density and high B-factors for the Gly-Ser-Gly linker and the neighbouring residues in both molecules suggest that this loop is highly flexible. Examination of the crystal contacts shows that the b2-b3 loop and b6-b1 loop in both molecules are involved in crystal packingResults Design of a Circularly Permuted ProteinA circularly permuted (cp) SAP97 PDZ2 1480666 domain was generated by fusing the N- and C termini of a pseudo wild-type (pwt) SAP97 PDZ2 [23] with a glycine and serine linker (GSG) between E315 and P405. The new N- and C- termini, K327 and P326, respectively, were selected since they correspond to the terminals of the naturally occurring circular permutant of a PDZ domain from a green alga 1676428 [17,18] (see Figure 1A). The same permutation, had a severe effect on the folding of PTP-BL PDZ2 [6,7].Figure 1. Structure of the circularly permuted SAP97 PDZ2 (cpSAP97 PDZ2). A. Schematic picture of the rearrangement of secondary structural elements in cpSAP97 PDZ2. The secondary structure arrangement is naturally occurring in a PDZ domain in green alga [17,18] and even though it seems modest, had a significant effect on the folding of PTP-BL PDZ2 [6,7]. B. Ribbon representation of the cpSAP97 PDZ2 structure showing the new N and C termini. C. Superposition of the two cpSAP97 PDZ2 molecules in the crystal structure, A (green) and B (blue), shown as Ca trace. D. Superposition of cpSAP97 PDZ2 (green) and pwtSAP97 PDZ2 (pink) shown as Ca trace. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050055.gFolding of a Circularly Permuted PDZ Domaininteractions. Superimposing the cpSAP97 PDZ2 (molecule A) onto the pwtSAP97 PDZ2 (pdb 2X7Z) shows that the structures are very similar (Figure 1D), except for the different N and C-termini, the break in the b1-b2 loop and the new loop connecting b6 to b1. The overall r.m.s.d for 91 aligned Ca atoms (Lys327-Lys324) is ?0.88 A. Interestingly, even after moving b1 from the N-terminus to the C-terminus, the orientations of the side-chains in the Ile317Ile323 region of the cpSAP97 PDZ2 structure are similar to those in the pwtSAP97 PDZ2 structure. As previously observed in the pwtSAP97 PDZ2 structure, Lys324 in the cpSAP97 PDZ2 does not form a salt bridge with Asp396 but forms a hy.