N technique, from lipid films deposited on ITO slides [37].Flow Cytometry AnalysisAliquots of 10 23388095 ml of a solution of electroformed GUVs in 100 ml of PBS was made up to a volume of 500 ml with PBS for flow cytometry analysis, which was carried out as previously described [41]. When necessary, GUVs were incubated with sedimented proteins and the washed pellet, to eliminate the non-specific binding of dyes and proteins, before flow cytometry. Most experiments were performed online in the flow cytometer: the reaction was started by adding the proteins directly to the tube during data recording, and protein binding and enzymatic activity were detected by monitoring changes in light scattering or by 3397-23-7 site fluorescence measurements. We added Bid-Alexa647 to concentrations ranging from 10 to 100 nM. Caspase-8 was added to a concentration of 290 nM. We used a FACS Calibur 4C (BectonDickinson) machine equipped with an argon laser operating at 488 nm and a red diode laser operating at 635 nm. A 530630 nm band pass filter was used for green fluorescence and a 661616 nm bandpass filter was used for red fluorescence. Beads (10 mm) were added to the samples for use as size markers, when appropriate.Laurdan Fluorescence MeasurementsGeneralised polarisation experiments were carried out with Laurdan, as follows: Laurdan was added to the phospholipid solution in chloroform such that the molar ratio of dye to lipid was 400:1. The solvent was removed by evaporation and the dry lipid film was hydrated (20 mg/ml) by incubation in phosphate citrate buffer (pH 7.0). The liposomes were then prepared as previously described [38]. Fluorescence was measured in a Hitachi F4500 fluorometer (150 W Xe). A band-pass setting of 2.5 nm was used for both excitation and emission. Liposomes were incubated with proteins for 1 hour and then ITI 007 centrifuged at 160,000 g, for 1 hour in an Airfuge centrifuge. Spectra were recorded for the resuspended pellets in a thermostatically controlled quartz cuvette (1 cm path length). We recorded 3D spectra with the following parameters: excitation wavelength from 320 to 420 nm (1 nm gap) and emission wavelength from 420 to 550 nm, at 37uC, on 150 mg Laurdan liposomes in the presence of 1 nM tBid or 50 nM Bid and/or 290 nM procaspase-8. The excitation generalised polarisation was calculated as previously described [39]: GPex (Ig {I1 )=(Ig zIl ),where Ig and Il are the fluorescence intensities at the maximum emission wavelength in the gel and in the liquid crystalline phases, respectively, at a fixed excitation wavelength (360 nm).ResultsWe tested for direct interaction between caspase-8 and cardiolipin, by incubating liposomes with the same lipid composition as the mitochondrial contact site prepared as previously described [28] with in vitro-translated caspase-8 (p55). Western blot analysis of the precipitated liposomes (Fig. 1b) showed that the intensities of the p43 55 caspase-8 bands were significantly stronger in the presence of CL than in its absence, with a greater abundance of the p43 form. In samples from CL-deficient liposomes these two bands were barely detectable (about 45 to 55 of the total caspase-8 loaded onto the gel bound to liposomes). This significant enrichment in the p43-processed form of caspase-8 may be due to the activation of caspase-8 on the liposome or the higher affinity of cleaved p43 for the membrane. We investigated the function of CL in the binding of caspase-8 to liposomes further, using different liposome composit.N technique, from lipid films deposited on ITO slides [37].Flow Cytometry AnalysisAliquots of 10 23388095 ml of a solution of electroformed GUVs in 100 ml of PBS was made up to a volume of 500 ml with PBS for flow cytometry analysis, which was carried out as previously described [41]. When necessary, GUVs were incubated with sedimented proteins and the washed pellet, to eliminate the non-specific binding of dyes and proteins, before flow cytometry. Most experiments were performed online in the flow cytometer: the reaction was started by adding the proteins directly to the tube during data recording, and protein binding and enzymatic activity were detected by monitoring changes in light scattering or by fluorescence measurements. We added Bid-Alexa647 to concentrations ranging from 10 to 100 nM. Caspase-8 was added to a concentration of 290 nM. We used a FACS Calibur 4C (BectonDickinson) machine equipped with an argon laser operating at 488 nm and a red diode laser operating at 635 nm. A 530630 nm band pass filter was used for green fluorescence and a 661616 nm bandpass filter was used for red fluorescence. Beads (10 mm) were added to the samples for use as size markers, when appropriate.Laurdan Fluorescence MeasurementsGeneralised polarisation experiments were carried out with Laurdan, as follows: Laurdan was added to the phospholipid solution in chloroform such that the molar ratio of dye to lipid was 400:1. The solvent was removed by evaporation and the dry lipid film was hydrated (20 mg/ml) by incubation in phosphate citrate buffer (pH 7.0). The liposomes were then prepared as previously described [38]. Fluorescence was measured in a Hitachi F4500 fluorometer (150 W Xe). A band-pass setting of 2.5 nm was used for both excitation and emission. Liposomes were incubated with proteins for 1 hour and then centrifuged at 160,000 g, for 1 hour in an Airfuge centrifuge. Spectra were recorded for the resuspended pellets in a thermostatically controlled quartz cuvette (1 cm path length). We recorded 3D spectra with the following parameters: excitation wavelength from 320 to 420 nm (1 nm gap) and emission wavelength from 420 to 550 nm, at 37uC, on 150 mg Laurdan liposomes in the presence of 1 nM tBid or 50 nM Bid and/or 290 nM procaspase-8. The excitation generalised polarisation was calculated as previously described [39]: GPex (Ig {I1 )=(Ig zIl ),where Ig and Il are the fluorescence intensities at the maximum emission wavelength in the gel and in the liquid crystalline phases, respectively, at a fixed excitation wavelength (360 nm).ResultsWe tested for direct interaction between caspase-8 and cardiolipin, by incubating liposomes with the same lipid composition as the mitochondrial contact site prepared as previously described [28] with in vitro-translated caspase-8 (p55). Western blot analysis of the precipitated liposomes (Fig. 1b) showed that the intensities of the p43 55 caspase-8 bands were significantly stronger in the presence of CL than in its absence, with a greater abundance of the p43 form. In samples from CL-deficient liposomes these two bands were barely detectable (about 45 to 55 of the total caspase-8 loaded onto the gel bound to liposomes). This significant enrichment in the p43-processed form of caspase-8 may be due to the activation of caspase-8 on the liposome or the higher affinity of cleaved p43 for the membrane. We investigated the function of CL in the binding of caspase-8 to liposomes further, using different liposome composit.