Level [18]. In Mirin site addition, decreased protein levels of RPOA and RPOB (the a- and b- subunits of PEP) were observed in the cplepa mutant (Figure 4A). Thus, it is likely that the dramatic loss in chloroplast transcripts observed in the cplepa mutant might be the synergistic effect of decreased chloroplast translation and decreased PEP transcription. Photosynthetic activity is somewhat impaired in cplepa-1 mutants, which is reflected in the decreased steady-state level of chloroplast proteins (Figure 4A). Although a dramatic loss in chloroplast transcripts and a perturbation in chloroplast polysome loading were observed in the cplepA mutant, only an approximate 20 decrease was observed in the steady-state levels of the proteins. One possibility is that chloroplast genes are transcribed in excess [19]. The rpoA mRNA levels are 30-fold higher than the rpoB mRNA levels, but the steady-state protein level of RpoB is approximately 50 of that of RpoA [20,21]. Similarly, the psbA mRNA levels are fivefold greater than those of the psaA-psaB transcripts because of the increased turnover rate of psbA needed to maintain normal photosynthetic activity, whereas the protein levels of these genes remain similar [22,23]. Polysomes analysis provides an estimate of the efficiency of translation initiation and elongation [11]. There was a relative increase in nonpolysomal chloroplast mRNAs in the cps2 mutant, but a substantial fraction of mRNAs still remained associated with multiple ribosomes [11]. In this mutant, chloroplast protein translation was only very mildly affected. The effects of the cpLEPA mutation on the association 1480666 ofcpLEPA in Chloroplast TranslationFigure 4. Accumulation and Synthesis of Chloroplast Proteins in cplepa-1 Plants. A:Immunoblot analysis of total protein extracts from wildtype and cplepa-1 plants. Wild-type and cplepa-1 plants grown on soil at a photon flux density of 120 mmol m22 s21 were used. For wild-type and cplepa-1 plants, 10 mg of total proteins were loaded. The antibodies used are indicated on the right. Actin served as a control to normalize the protein levels. Similar results were obtained in two additional independent experiments. B: Pulse labeling of thylakoid proteins. Primary leaves of 12-day-old plants were radiolabeled with [35] S-methionine in the presence of cycloheximide for 20 min. The thylakoid membranes were isolated, separated by SDS-urea-PAGE and visualized autoradiographically, lanes were loaded with equal protein contend. C: A coomassie blue-stained gel is presented to show that equal amounts of proteins were loaded. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049746.gcpLEPA in Chloroplast TranslationcpLEPA in Chloroplast TranslationFigure 5. Polysome Association Analysis for Chloroplast Transcripts in Wild-Type and cplepa-1 Plants. The association of psbA, psbB, atpB, psaA and rrn23 transcripts with polysomes. Total extracts from wild-type and cplepa-1 leaves grown on soil for 3 weeks at 120 mmol m22 s21 were fractionated on 15 ?5 sucrose gradients. Ten fractions of equal volume were collected from the top to the bottom of the sucrose MedChemExpress 3PO gradients, and equal proportions of the RNA purified from each fraction were analyzed by northern-blot analysis. The rRNAs were detected by ethidium bromide (EtBr) staining. The size of the transcript (in kb) is 1662274 shown. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049746.gthe psbA, psbB, atpB, and psaA/B mRNAs with ribosomes were similar to those of cps2 [11] (Figure 5). In vivo protein labeling experiments.Level [18]. In addition, decreased protein levels of RPOA and RPOB (the a- and b- subunits of PEP) were observed in the cplepa mutant (Figure 4A). Thus, it is likely that the dramatic loss in chloroplast transcripts observed in the cplepa mutant might be the synergistic effect of decreased chloroplast translation and decreased PEP transcription. Photosynthetic activity is somewhat impaired in cplepa-1 mutants, which is reflected in the decreased steady-state level of chloroplast proteins (Figure 4A). Although a dramatic loss in chloroplast transcripts and a perturbation in chloroplast polysome loading were observed in the cplepA mutant, only an approximate 20 decrease was observed in the steady-state levels of the proteins. One possibility is that chloroplast genes are transcribed in excess [19]. The rpoA mRNA levels are 30-fold higher than the rpoB mRNA levels, but the steady-state protein level of RpoB is approximately 50 of that of RpoA [20,21]. Similarly, the psbA mRNA levels are fivefold greater than those of the psaA-psaB transcripts because of the increased turnover rate of psbA needed to maintain normal photosynthetic activity, whereas the protein levels of these genes remain similar [22,23]. Polysomes analysis provides an estimate of the efficiency of translation initiation and elongation [11]. There was a relative increase in nonpolysomal chloroplast mRNAs in the cps2 mutant, but a substantial fraction of mRNAs still remained associated with multiple ribosomes [11]. In this mutant, chloroplast protein translation was only very mildly affected. The effects of the cpLEPA mutation on the association 1480666 ofcpLEPA in Chloroplast TranslationFigure 4. Accumulation and Synthesis of Chloroplast Proteins in cplepa-1 Plants. A:Immunoblot analysis of total protein extracts from wildtype and cplepa-1 plants. Wild-type and cplepa-1 plants grown on soil at a photon flux density of 120 mmol m22 s21 were used. For wild-type and cplepa-1 plants, 10 mg of total proteins were loaded. The antibodies used are indicated on the right. Actin served as a control to normalize the protein levels. Similar results were obtained in two additional independent experiments. B: Pulse labeling of thylakoid proteins. Primary leaves of 12-day-old plants were radiolabeled with [35] S-methionine in the presence of cycloheximide for 20 min. The thylakoid membranes were isolated, separated by SDS-urea-PAGE and visualized autoradiographically, lanes were loaded with equal protein contend. C: A coomassie blue-stained gel is presented to show that equal amounts of proteins were loaded. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049746.gcpLEPA in Chloroplast TranslationcpLEPA in Chloroplast TranslationFigure 5. Polysome Association Analysis for Chloroplast Transcripts in Wild-Type and cplepa-1 Plants. The association of psbA, psbB, atpB, psaA and rrn23 transcripts with polysomes. Total extracts from wild-type and cplepa-1 leaves grown on soil for 3 weeks at 120 mmol m22 s21 were fractionated on 15 ?5 sucrose gradients. Ten fractions of equal volume were collected from the top to the bottom of the sucrose gradients, and equal proportions of the RNA purified from each fraction were analyzed by northern-blot analysis. The rRNAs were detected by ethidium bromide (EtBr) staining. The size of the transcript (in kb) is 1662274 shown. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049746.gthe psbA, psbB, atpB, and psaA/B mRNAs with ribosomes were similar to those of cps2 [11] (Figure 5). In vivo protein labeling experiments.