Genes. The results revealed that theFigure 2. Yield and activity of soluble fusion proteins after refolding. The yield of soluble fusion protein (A) and active passenger protein (B) was calculated and expressed as a percentage of the total amount of protein added to the refolding reactions. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049589.gThe Mechanism of Solubility Enhancement by MBPTable 2. Specific activity of refolded vs. natively purified fusion proteins.Passenger proteinRelative specific activity or relative emission maxnmof MBP fusions Natively purified (In vivo) 1.77 1.37 0.97 0.In vitro refoldedG3PDH DHFR DUSP14 TEV protease GFP 0.00 0.03 0.34 0.50 0.73 (Relative emission maxnm)1.26 (Relative emission maxnm)doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049589.tabsence of these chaperones resulted in only a modest reduction in the yield of properly folded DHFR and G3PDH; not nearly enough to account for the difference between the activities observed in vitro and in vivo (Figure 3). Intriguingly, we observed that natively purified His6-MBPG3PDH and His6-MBP-DHFR were always contaminated with GroEL (Figure S1). However, very little GroEL was found to be associated with natively purified His6-MBP itself (Figure S1, lane 3), suggesting that the chaperonin was binding to the passenger proteins. Yet co-purification of GroEL with fusion proteins is notuncommon and is generally interpreted as being indicative of protein misfolding [35]. Therefore, this observation does not prove that GroEL actively assists with the folding of the fusion proteins. In fact, because MBP is a relatively large fusion partner (42 kDa), it is doubtful that most MBP fusion proteins could fit inside the “Anfinsen cage” of the chaperonin, which has been estimated to be capable of housing proteins up to 70 kDa in principle, with the actual size exclusion limit being somewhat less [36]. To ascertain whether MBP fusion proteins are capable of interacting productively with GroEL/S in vivo, we took advantageFigure 3. The effect of dnaJ, dnaK and tig gene deletions on the enzymatic activity of MBP-DHFR and MBP-G3PDH fusion proteins purified under native conditions. The data with error bars are expressed as mean 6 standard error of the mean (n = 3). The relative values were obtained by normalization with a standard protein in each 24272870 case. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049589.gThe Mechanism of Solubility Enhancement by MBPof a GroEL/S mutant (GroE3?) generated by directed evolution that is far more effective at stimulating the folding of GFP than is the wild-type chaperonin [22]. When GroE3? was co-expressed with the HIV-RT inhibitor 1 His6-MBP-GFP fusion protein (,70 kDa), the cells were significantly more fluorescent than they were when the wild-type chaperonin was co-expressed with the fusion protein or when only the fusion protein was overexpressed (Figure 4A). The increased fluorescence in the cells with GroE3? was a result of enhanced GFP folding because co-expression of GroE3? or wild-type GroE did not alter the amount of His6-MBP-GFP fusion protein that was produced (Figure 4B). Similar results were obtained when the even larger solubility enhancing tag NusA (,55 kDa) was joined to GFP to create an 82 kDa fusion protein (Figure S2).Interaction of Other Fusion Proteins with GroEL/S in E. coliIt was Hexokinase II Inhibitor II, 3-BP web previously shown that a single amino acid substitution in MBP (I329W) dramatically decreases the solubility of several fusion proteins in E. coli but has no impact on the solubility of MBP in its unfused state [25]. The phenot.Genes. The results revealed that theFigure 2. Yield and activity of soluble fusion proteins after refolding. The yield of soluble fusion protein (A) and active passenger protein (B) was calculated and expressed as a percentage of the total amount of protein added to the refolding reactions. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049589.gThe Mechanism of Solubility Enhancement by MBPTable 2. Specific activity of refolded vs. natively purified fusion proteins.Passenger proteinRelative specific activity or relative emission maxnmof MBP fusions Natively purified (In vivo) 1.77 1.37 0.97 0.In vitro refoldedG3PDH DHFR DUSP14 TEV protease GFP 0.00 0.03 0.34 0.50 0.73 (Relative emission maxnm)1.26 (Relative emission maxnm)doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049589.tabsence of these chaperones resulted in only a modest reduction in the yield of properly folded DHFR and G3PDH; not nearly enough to account for the difference between the activities observed in vitro and in vivo (Figure 3). Intriguingly, we observed that natively purified His6-MBPG3PDH and His6-MBP-DHFR were always contaminated with GroEL (Figure S1). However, very little GroEL was found to be associated with natively purified His6-MBP itself (Figure S1, lane 3), suggesting that the chaperonin was binding to the passenger proteins. Yet co-purification of GroEL with fusion proteins is notuncommon and is generally interpreted as being indicative of protein misfolding [35]. Therefore, this observation does not prove that GroEL actively assists with the folding of the fusion proteins. In fact, because MBP is a relatively large fusion partner (42 kDa), it is doubtful that most MBP fusion proteins could fit inside the “Anfinsen cage” of the chaperonin, which has been estimated to be capable of housing proteins up to 70 kDa in principle, with the actual size exclusion limit being somewhat less [36]. To ascertain whether MBP fusion proteins are capable of interacting productively with GroEL/S in vivo, we took advantageFigure 3. The effect of dnaJ, dnaK and tig gene deletions on the enzymatic activity of MBP-DHFR and MBP-G3PDH fusion proteins purified under native conditions. The data with error bars are expressed as mean 6 standard error of the mean (n = 3). The relative values were obtained by normalization with a standard protein in each 24272870 case. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049589.gThe Mechanism of Solubility Enhancement by MBPof a GroEL/S mutant (GroE3?) generated by directed evolution that is far more effective at stimulating the folding of GFP than is the wild-type chaperonin [22]. When GroE3? was co-expressed with the His6-MBP-GFP fusion protein (,70 kDa), the cells were significantly more fluorescent than they were when the wild-type chaperonin was co-expressed with the fusion protein or when only the fusion protein was overexpressed (Figure 4A). The increased fluorescence in the cells with GroE3? was a result of enhanced GFP folding because co-expression of GroE3? or wild-type GroE did not alter the amount of His6-MBP-GFP fusion protein that was produced (Figure 4B). Similar results were obtained when the even larger solubility enhancing tag NusA (,55 kDa) was joined to GFP to create an 82 kDa fusion protein (Figure S2).Interaction of Other Fusion Proteins with GroEL/S in E. coliIt was previously shown that a single amino acid substitution in MBP (I329W) dramatically decreases the solubility of several fusion proteins in E. coli but has no impact on the solubility of MBP in its unfused state [25]. The phenot.