T in this test reflects high anxiety states.JRF 12 site Behavior Synapse Features in Fragile X SyndromeInhibitory avoidance task (IA)Fish were tested for emotional learning in an inhibitory avoidance task as described previously [34]. Briefly, fish underwent acclimation, one-trial training and one test session 24 h later. On day one, the fish received an acclimation trial that consisted of placing the fish in the shallow chamber for 5 min; the white, opaque guillotine door was then removed, and the fish was allowed to swim freely between the two compartments for another 5 min. In the training session, the fish was placed in the shallow compartment. After 1 min, the guillotine door to the deep compartment was opened. Once the fish entered the deep compartment, the guillotine door was closed, and a mild electric shock was applied to the deep compartment for 5 s. The fish was immediately removed from the apparatus and returned to its home tank. Twenty-four hours later, latency to enter the deep compartment of the apparatus was recorded to a maximum of 300 sec.average over 3 trials. After stable Adriamycin web baseline recording, LTP was elicited by HFS protocols consisting of three stimulus trains of 100 pulses (at 100 Hz) with 20 s inter-train intervals. LTD was induced by low frequency stimulation that consisted of 1 Hz stimulation for 20 min. The magnitudes of both LTP and LTD were measured, post-induction, as an average of 10 min at the end of the recording period.Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 12.0 (SPSS, Chicago). In electrophysiological experiments, each trace is the average of three consecutive responses. LTP plots were normalized to the average baseline value of each slice preparation. All values are reported as mean 6 SEM. Statistical comparisons of PPF and LTP were made using the paired t-test. In all cases, p,0.05 was considered to be significant. In behavioral experiments, all values are reported as the mean 6 SEM. For the analysis of inhibitory avoidance performance, the comparison among behavioral trials within the same group was carried out by using Wilcoxon test. Whereas, the results from locomotor activity studies were analyzed by Student’s t test. We considered p,0.05 to be statistically significant.Open-field testAt the end of the retention test, the animals were placed into a transparent cylindrical tank (20 cm in height and 22 cm in diameter) for 10 min to test their spontaneous motor activity. The water level was maintained at 4 cm. Behavior was detected using an EthoVision video tracking system (Noldus Information Technology, Leesburg, VA, U S A). The total distance swam and the mean speed was measured for statistical analyses.Results Genotyping resultsHomozygous mutants were obtained with the expected frequency of 25 , and they had normal appearance. The sex ratio in the homozygote population was not significantly different from the other genotypes. The knockout phenotype was confirmed at the DNA level by PCR. The PCR products derived from the wild-type and fmr1 KO fish were cleaved to 193-and 222-bp DNA fragments respectively (Figure 1A). The protein level was also analyzed by Western blotting, where no FMRP protein was detectable in testes of fmr1 KO fish (Figure 1B).Extracellular field potential recordingsAcute telencephalic slice preparation was similar to that described previously [36]. Briefly, fish were euthanized by exposing them to an ice-cold (0,4uC), artificially oxygenated cerebrospina.T in this test reflects high anxiety states.Behavior Synapse Features in Fragile X SyndromeInhibitory avoidance task (IA)Fish were tested for emotional learning in an inhibitory avoidance task as described previously [34]. Briefly, fish underwent acclimation, one-trial training and one test session 24 h later. On day one, the fish received an acclimation trial that consisted of placing the fish in the shallow chamber for 5 min; the white, opaque guillotine door was then removed, and the fish was allowed to swim freely between the two compartments for another 5 min. In the training session, the fish was placed in the shallow compartment. After 1 min, the guillotine door to the deep compartment was opened. Once the fish entered the deep compartment, the guillotine door was closed, and a mild electric shock was applied to the deep compartment for 5 s. The fish was immediately removed from the apparatus and returned to its home tank. Twenty-four hours later, latency to enter the deep compartment of the apparatus was recorded to a maximum of 300 sec.average over 3 trials. After stable baseline recording, LTP was elicited by HFS protocols consisting of three stimulus trains of 100 pulses (at 100 Hz) with 20 s inter-train intervals. LTD was induced by low frequency stimulation that consisted of 1 Hz stimulation for 20 min. The magnitudes of both LTP and LTD were measured, post-induction, as an average of 10 min at the end of the recording period.Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 12.0 (SPSS, Chicago). In electrophysiological experiments, each trace is the average of three consecutive responses. LTP plots were normalized to the average baseline value of each slice preparation. All values are reported as mean 6 SEM. Statistical comparisons of PPF and LTP were made using the paired t-test. In all cases, p,0.05 was considered to be significant. In behavioral experiments, all values are reported as the mean 6 SEM. For the analysis of inhibitory avoidance performance, the comparison among behavioral trials within the same group was carried out by using Wilcoxon test. Whereas, the results from locomotor activity studies were analyzed by Student’s t test. We considered p,0.05 to be statistically significant.Open-field testAt the end of the retention test, the animals were placed into a transparent cylindrical tank (20 cm in height and 22 cm in diameter) for 10 min to test their spontaneous motor activity. The water level was maintained at 4 cm. Behavior was detected using an EthoVision video tracking system (Noldus Information Technology, Leesburg, VA, U S A). The total distance swam and the mean speed was measured for statistical analyses.Results Genotyping resultsHomozygous mutants were obtained with the expected frequency of 25 , and they had normal appearance. The sex ratio in the homozygote population was not significantly different from the other genotypes. The knockout phenotype was confirmed at the DNA level by PCR. The PCR products derived from the wild-type and fmr1 KO fish were cleaved to 193-and 222-bp DNA fragments respectively (Figure 1A). The protein level was also analyzed by Western blotting, where no FMRP protein was detectable in testes of fmr1 KO fish (Figure 1B).Extracellular field potential recordingsAcute telencephalic slice preparation was similar to that described previously [36]. Briefly, fish were euthanized by exposing them to an ice-cold (0,4uC), artificially oxygenated cerebrospina.