Nalling Defects in Obesitydownstream insulin signalling capacity, thereby contributing to the development of IR prior to the appearance of T2DM [11]. Indeed, in mice, mutation of the serine 307 residue (Ser307) to alanine (Ala) in IRS1, rendering IRS1 incapable of being phosphorylated, reduced the insulin sensitivity of these animals, suggesting a key role for Ser307 of IRS1 in regulating insulin sensitivity [12]. Meanwhile, a recent global analysis of IRS1 phosphorylation indicated that multiple residues on 25033180 IRS1 exhibit (-)-Indolactam V altered phosphorylation in T2DM muscle but that these are not abnormal in muscle from a pre-diabetic obese group [13]. This questions the role of IRS1 phosphorylation in the initial development of IR in this population. Interestingly induction of Ser/Thr phosphorylation of IRS1 by insulin was similar in both the control and T2DM volunteers, suggesting that obesity-induced IR did not affect this aspect of insulin action. We have previously reported that dysregulation of p42/p44 MAPK, rather than other signalling proteins, may underlie reduced skeletal muscle glucose transport and development of IR in ageing and in PCOS [2,14]. Therefore, it remains unclear whether all cases of IR with obesity have defective PI3K-PKB signalling in the muscle and whether additional signalling defects contribute to progression to T2DM. The main aims of the current study were to establish whether defective insulin signalling could be detected in human skeletal muscle correlating with insulin resistance prior to the development of diabetes, and determine whether this consisted of a single order Acid Yellow 23 common defect, or a range of signalling defects.lateral side a wrist or hand vein was cannulated retrogradely for blood sampling. This arm was heated in a hot box at 65uC throughout. Quadriceps (vastus lateralis) muscle biopsies were taken, using 1 lignocaine anesthetic and the conchotome technique [16] at the start of the hyperinsulinaemic, euglycaemic clamp. All biopsies were taken using separate incisions and made from distal to proximal areas of the quadriceps. The biopsy was snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 280uC until further analysis. Insulin was infused at 40 mU. min21.m22 body surface area followed by a variable infusion of 20 glucose to maintain plasma glucose concentration at 5.2 mmol/l. A second muscle biopsy was taken through a separate incision after one hour of the clamp. The clamp was maintained for a further hour to assess insulin sensitivity (M-value, see below).Analytical MethodsPlasma. Plasma was separated from whole blood by centrifugation (300 g) immediately after collection. Plasma glucose was measured with a YSI Stat2300 (Yellow Spring Instruments, Yellow Spring, OH) immediately after collection of each sample; the remainder of the plasma sample was frozen until further analysis. Plasma insulin was measured by the Clinical Biochemistry Department at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, using a Siemens Immulite 2000 Immunoassay system. Preparation of Protein Extracts for Western Blotting or Immunoprecipitation. Protein extracts were obtained asMaterials and Methods Ethics StatementThe subjects were informed of the experimental protocol both verbally and in writing before giving their informed consent. The experimental protocol was approved by the Tayside Ethics Committee and was carried out according to the Helsinki Declaration.Participant characteristicsTwenty two healthy men, 2968y (SEM) participated in the study. None were taki.Nalling Defects in Obesitydownstream insulin signalling capacity, thereby contributing to the development of IR prior to the appearance of T2DM [11]. Indeed, in mice, mutation of the serine 307 residue (Ser307) to alanine (Ala) in IRS1, rendering IRS1 incapable of being phosphorylated, reduced the insulin sensitivity of these animals, suggesting a key role for Ser307 of IRS1 in regulating insulin sensitivity [12]. Meanwhile, a recent global analysis of IRS1 phosphorylation indicated that multiple residues on 25033180 IRS1 exhibit altered phosphorylation in T2DM muscle but that these are not abnormal in muscle from a pre-diabetic obese group [13]. This questions the role of IRS1 phosphorylation in the initial development of IR in this population. Interestingly induction of Ser/Thr phosphorylation of IRS1 by insulin was similar in both the control and T2DM volunteers, suggesting that obesity-induced IR did not affect this aspect of insulin action. We have previously reported that dysregulation of p42/p44 MAPK, rather than other signalling proteins, may underlie reduced skeletal muscle glucose transport and development of IR in ageing and in PCOS [2,14]. Therefore, it remains unclear whether all cases of IR with obesity have defective PI3K-PKB signalling in the muscle and whether additional signalling defects contribute to progression to T2DM. The main aims of the current study were to establish whether defective insulin signalling could be detected in human skeletal muscle correlating with insulin resistance prior to the development of diabetes, and determine whether this consisted of a single common defect, or a range of signalling defects.lateral side a wrist or hand vein was cannulated retrogradely for blood sampling. This arm was heated in a hot box at 65uC throughout. Quadriceps (vastus lateralis) muscle biopsies were taken, using 1 lignocaine anesthetic and the conchotome technique [16] at the start of the hyperinsulinaemic, euglycaemic clamp. All biopsies were taken using separate incisions and made from distal to proximal areas of the quadriceps. The biopsy was snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 280uC until further analysis. Insulin was infused at 40 mU. min21.m22 body surface area followed by a variable infusion of 20 glucose to maintain plasma glucose concentration at 5.2 mmol/l. A second muscle biopsy was taken through a separate incision after one hour of the clamp. The clamp was maintained for a further hour to assess insulin sensitivity (M-value, see below).Analytical MethodsPlasma. Plasma was separated from whole blood by centrifugation (300 g) immediately after collection. Plasma glucose was measured with a YSI Stat2300 (Yellow Spring Instruments, Yellow Spring, OH) immediately after collection of each sample; the remainder of the plasma sample was frozen until further analysis. Plasma insulin was measured by the Clinical Biochemistry Department at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, using a Siemens Immulite 2000 Immunoassay system. Preparation of Protein Extracts for Western Blotting or Immunoprecipitation. Protein extracts were obtained asMaterials and Methods Ethics StatementThe subjects were informed of the experimental protocol both verbally and in writing before giving their informed consent. The experimental protocol was approved by the Tayside Ethics Committee and was carried out according to the Helsinki Declaration.Participant characteristicsTwenty two healthy men, 2968y (SEM) participated in the study. None were taki.