Ated Large-conductance (VDAC1) Existing in iSC soma and myelin vesicles Trpm3, Trpm5 Trpm3, Trpm5 VDAC1 Current in iSC soma Clcn2, and 7 Microarray datap Expression in SCs Transcriptional regulation p In neuropathy models Down Clcn2 FamiliesFrontiers in Cellular Neuroscience TRPC, TRPV, TRPM P2Xb,c,p P2X1-4, P2X7 in iSC soma and in P2X1, 4, five, 7 paranodal region mSCs P2Y1, P2Y2, P2Y12, P2Y13 in iSCs, present in mSC paranodes A2a, A2b in iSCs, present in iSC soma A1 A1 P2Y1, two, six, 13, and 14 P2Y2 P2X5, P2X7 P2Yc,p P2Y13 P2Y13, and 14 P1c AMPA receptors GluA2-4 in vestibular mSCs, GluA1, GluA2, GluA3 GluA3 existing in iSC soma, SN and iSCs iSC soma iSC soma mGluR in iSC soma GluK2, GluK3 GluN1 GluD2 Adr2a, Adr2 1,and 9, 1, GluK3 GluN1 Adr2 GluA2 GluA1, GluA3 Kainate receptors NMDA receptors Delta receptors mGluR A1 and A2 Nicotinic GluK2 GluD2 Adr2a Muscarinich GabaAi,j M1-4 in iSCs, current in iSC soma M3 1-3, 1-3, 2 in SN, and SCs, present in iSC soma GabaB1, and two in nmSCs, and iSCs, existing in iSC soma GabaA3 GabaA3 GabaA3 GabaBj GabaB1 (Continued)Chloride channelsa,bTRP channelsPurinergic receptorsaa-ewww.frontiersin.orgGlutamate receptorsIonotropicf -hMetabotropiciAdrenergic receptorsfAcetycholine receptorsjPNS glia-neuron communicationNovember 2013 | Volume 7 | Report 228 |GABA receptorsk,lSamara et al.PNS glia-neuron communicationdescription of data processing along with the complete list of considerably modulated genes is often identified within the original paper (Verdier et al., 2012) and in its supporting information (http:onlinelibrary.wiley.comdoi10. 1002glia.DSPE-PEG(2000)-Amine In stock 22305suppinfo). The total data set is accessible through the ArrayExpress database (accession number: E-MTAB-944; Asterisksdenote transcripts, which have been previously described in adult intactor injuredDRG axons Willis et al., 2007; Gumy et al., 2011, and may perhaps thus be detected (at the least partially) as a consequence of contamination by axonal mRNA. a Verkhratsky andPreviously published information (based on biochemical and functional studies) concerning expression of potential SC activity sensors are summarized within the middle-left column named “Previously published information.” DataSteinhauser, 2000; b Baker, 2002; c Fields and Burnstock, 2006; d Verderio et al., 2006; e Colomar and Amedee, 2001; f Liu and Bennett, 2003; g Fink et al., 1999; h Dememes et al., 1995; i Saitoh and Araki, 2010;generated via analysis of SN microarray experiments (Verdier et al., 2012) are presented in the middle-right column referred to as “Microarray data.” Correct element on the table demonstrates transcriptional regulation ofdepicted sensors during development and in peripheral neuropathy, based on analyses of information initially presented in (Verdier et al., 2012) (Up: upregulated transcripts, Down: downregulated transcripts). Detailedet al., 2006; +k Magnaghi et al., 2006; l Procacci et al., 2012; m Dezawa et al., 1998; n Altevogt et al., 2002; o Nualart-Marti et al., 2013; p Verdier et al., 2012.Expression in SCsCx29,30,32,37 ,40,43,45, andMicroarray datapstimulus propagation is achieved (Figures 1A ). Therefore, neuronal activity effects on SC differentiation can have considerable consequences on axon excitability and AP conduction. Early throughout improvement, firing of unmyelinated PNS fibers induces ionic imbalances and neurotransmitter secretion, which impact iSC maturation and myelin production. ClV and nevertheless unidentified K+ channels regulate iSC mitosis by modulating the SC membrane potential (Wilson and Ch.